Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to Buy Green Coffee Beans

As more and more coffee connoisseurs start roasting their own coffee beans from home, many people are confused on how to buy green coffee beans for roasting. Not all green coffee beans are created equal as it depends on the grade and the region that the coffee is grown in. Another important aspect is the freshness of the beans as well. You do not want coffee beans that have been stored on warehouse floors for a number of years.

Before you buy, you need to know what type of coffee it is you are wanting to roast. The most popular green coffee beans for home roasting are Kenya AA, Costa Rican Tarrazu, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Guatemalan Antigua, Mexican Altura, Jamaican Blue Mountain, Brazilian Santos, Sumatra Mandheling, Colombian Supremo and Tanzanian Peaberry. All of these coffee beans have a different storied history, but share the trait that they are all fine, rich, aromatic coffees.
These coffees all vary in taste profiles based on the type elevation, soil and climate that they are grown in. Whatever your taste buds crave, there is indeed a coffee matched for it.

Once you have decided what type of green coffee you want to roast at home, you next need to decide on the amount to purchase. Often times the best price breaks are found by buying 5 pounds of beans at a time. This is a perfect amount for any beginner home roaster to begin mastering his home coffee roasting hobby. If 5 pounds is too much, you can then settle for buying 1 pound at a time if you need a smaller amount.

After determining the amount, you will probably need to buy your green coffee beans online from an online home coffee roaster vendor such as the Popcorn Coffee Roaster. They have a huge selection of green coffee beans to choose from and all come in 5 pound bags. You can also get tips on roasting at home along with thorough descriptions of each green coffee type. Green coffee beans are usually shipped to you in just a few days and are ready to roast upon arrival.

Mr. Marshall is a master home coffee roaster. You can buy green coffee beans at his home coffee roasting Web site found at online.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Coffee Bean Beginnings

Coffee was conceived in Ethiopia in the little village Kaffa. The rejuvenating effects of the java drink were promptly seen by a goat herder dubbed Kaldi. Sheep in the homage of Kaffa had accidentally chewed up the small red coffee and were observed tweaking out around the city. This made the villagers to come to be very questioning indeed. After much trial and experimentation with the colored coffee fruit the Kaffans came up with the invigorating coffee drink that is now handed out all around the world.

It is supposed that the Dutch wanted to snatch onto the coffee drink for their own corrupt reasons. The Arabs came in a envying rage in an endeavor to stop them from the export of the enjoyable coffee fruit to other parts around the world. The Dutch finally dominated the coffee drink war.

Coffee is best bred near the Equator. It stands in need of a minimum of 6 inches of rain every 30 days, lots of sunlight, has no special soil requirements and is bred best at high altitudes. Most persons believe the coffee bean is collected from a plant. The red coffee bean actually is grown on a tree which in some cases can reach heights of 20 feet. With like qualities of a plant, its no mystery it is so easily misjudged in most cases.

The stimulating effects of java has long been tied to religion. Upon finding coffees effects, Kaldi [promptly wanted to share it with abbots in the close by monastery. They hurled the delicious colored java drink in the pit and the scented aroma of the bean. After this they thought never again would they mingle without this bean. The coffee gatherings were at the end of the week.

The first coffee villas were in a minute shop in Mecca. It started out to be a meeting place for church meetings, but promptly laid the path for blabbering and sharing past experiences, and later became the cause for lots of debates and arguments with the middle easterners.

The red java drink is probably as guilty for as much death and destruction as were roman catholic conquerors of the middle ages. They would destroy for their java just like they would annihilate for their idols. In Damascus java had been outlawed and upon breaking the restriction two times, lawbreakers would be tossed into leather bags and thrown into what was called the Bosphorus, which ties together the Black sea with sea of Marmara.

Coffee has agitated much more than the population. It has been the cause of many problems from the time it was found in a small hut of Kaffa Ethiopia, up to even today in modern society. currently coffee is widespread and available anywhere in the world, and less fought about among the citizens of the globe who distribute it. It is manipulated for profit, much like gas. Joshua Wise is a fan of skydiving, strong coffee drinks. Has a 4 year old son, and lives in Idaho.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saving Money by Purchasing Coffee Bean Direct From the Source

If you want a high quality cup of coffee but you need to do that on a budget then there is really only one way to buy coffee bean direct from the supplier. When you choose to purchase directly from the seller you are going to limit the amount of travel time and the amount of people that your coffee pass through. This means that you will have a completely different experience with your coffee than normal.

When you are buying coffee beans direct from the source you are going to be able to save money. You will be able to get these same java beans that you might have purchased in the store but at a greatly discounted price. You can even save more money by buying in bulk because there is less of a need for you to have to have your coffee processed or moved by other people. During hard economic times people often give up unnecessary things but you will not have to if you are saving money.

Some other great advantages include being able to have coffee that is the best tasting possible. The quality of your coffee will actually increase while you are saving money and that is because by buying coffee bean direct you will be getting the freshest beans possible. Plus you can rest assured that your coffee has passed through the least amount of hands possible, ensuring that it is the freshest possible coffee that you can get.

The difference will be quite apparent in the taste of the coffee and you will be able to tell the difference from the first drink that you take. You will have the richest and fullest bodied coffee available so for coffee lovers this means a deeper enjoyment of your daily cup. Remember there are ways to order bulk coffee and not have to throw it out because it has gone bad.

Now that you know all of the facts you will be able to buy coffee bean direct and save money while getting the highest quality cups of coffee. In addition, you can share the love of coffee with your friends, save even more money by ordering more at the same time, and help them to enjoy their coffee even more as well. You will be able to ensure that you can still enjoy your daily cup of coffee when you have learned how to buy coffee bean direct.

By not buying your Coffee Bean Direct from the supplier you may not be getting the freshest coffee beans available. Find out all you need to know about purchasing Coffee Bean Direct from the roasters now.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

For some of you that are searching for coffee bean storage method, this title might seem like a god send. In fact, you might be wondering if this is real or it is just some fad to lure you into reading this article.

It is real. I am going to highlight 2 methods that would allow you to preserve your roasted coffee beans for at least 2 years, but my question to you is why would you need to preserve your coffee beans for such a long time frame?

Anyway, that is for you to think. Now, let explore the methods that can enable you to preserve the beans for years. The first method is what some coffee companies are employing now, it is to seal pack with nitrogen.

Companies like Illy in order to lengthen the life span of their roasted beans, have come out with this packaging. First, they draw the oxygen from the tin, then they inject nitrogen inside and lastly pressure sealed it.

Without oxygen inside, the oxidation that would usually take place after roasting is slow to a halt, it is still taking place but at a very slow pace. So, this packaging would allow you to have fresh coffee even after 2 years.

However, this is a method that is quite costly and is not readily available. You can probably find this at some larger coffee roasting company and get them to seal it for you. This is the best way to seal the freshness of coffee, and the only drawback is its high cost.

The next method is very low cost and implementing it is very simple. However, reversing the process is not easy. One of the easiest ways to preserve the beans is to freeze it. Freezing also stop the chemical process of oxidation from taking place, but brewing the beans after that requires some very good time estimation.

Generally, freezing the beans, would allow you to keep it for at least a year. So, it does sounds like a very easy thing to do and it is also very low cost, you do not even need any special equipment.

Similarly, when thawing the beans, you also do not need any special equipment, but you do need to have some precision timing to brew the beans. This is because, if the beans are not thawed long enough, it would be too hard to grind. Beans that are not fully thawed are as hard as rock and grinding it is likely to break your grinder blade.

From the time you take out the beans to brewing it should not be more than 4 hours. If it is lesser than that, you would risk spoiling your grinder, but what if the timing is more than? As coffee beans thaw, condensation is also taking place and water droplets would form on the surface of the beans. If too much water gathers on the surface, the beans would be saturated with water and it would start to lose its flavor even before it is used to brew any coffee.

Yes, it is not easy to use the freezing method to store the beans, and the nitrogen method is not cheap. It seems like there is no perfect solution to storing beans for the long haul.

But, my question is, why would anyone want to store their coffee beans for such a long time? Most of us live within an hour drive to the supermarket or the coffee supplier in town isn't it easier to purchase the beans when we need it?

Ebenezer Heng, the owner of On Coffee makers does the research for on any machines related to coffee. As long as you are looking for a machines to better your coffee experience, chances are you can find it at or you can read more about coffee bean storage

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Learn About the Source and Try Our Recipes for Making Great Mochas

Depending on how we look at it, mocha coffee may be the tall drink made of coffee, cocoa and milk, often served with cream or, on the other hand mocha coffee may refer to the source.

Yemen is the source of true Mocha coffee. Some connoisseurs consider the Yemeni beans the best that money can buy. No doubt about it, for one reason or another, it is know the world over. Grown along steep terraced hillsides at an altitude of anywhere from 3,000 to 7,000 feet, the harvested fruit is a small, hard coffee bean.

The name itself originates from the Yemeni port town on the Red Sea. From the varieties available Mocha Sanani and Mocha Mattari are considered the finest. Due to the harsh hot dry climate, the coffee beans are as unique as its distinct taste. No doubt about it, authentic Mocha coffee is a pleasure to drink.

So, whilst many people may not be totally familiar with the origins of Mocha coffee, I think most people have heard about or tried and fallen in love with the drink.

Make your own Mocha coffee and enjoy the unique flavor and aroma

Mocha coffee is really easy to make and we are pleased to offer a couple of recipes to get you on your way. Basically all you need to do is add cocoa, sugar and milk to hot coffee, perhaps experiment with some other tastes and drink. Others prefer to actually mix the cocoa, sugar, milk and coffee in a saucepan and heat until it starts to simmer.

At this point, try adding a little vanilla extract. Pout into cups or glasses and top with whipped cream and cinnamon. The taste will surprise you, you will find the flavor wonderfully rich and very aromatic. In order to make things a little easier, these are the list of ingredients for two servings.

# 2 cups of coffee

# 1/3 cup of cocoa

# 2 cups of milk

# 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

# 1/2 cup of whipping cream

# dash of cinnamon

Prepare the ingredients as mentioned above and the results will be a fantastic Mocha coffee that will put any coffee house's version to shame.

For more aricles ranging from coffee beans to coffee making machines, just click over to Remember, coffee is more than just a passion!

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who Has the Best Coffee Beans?

The best cup of coffee that you will have ever tasted is a lot like the best glass of wine; it has been grown in the right place, in the right soil and has the correct conditions for its growth.

Most people know that it is countries like Brazil that supply the world with coffee beans it has the regular sunshine and rain for the optimum growth.

However, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia before spreading to other countries.

Common Coffee Growing Countries
In fact, from among the seventy odd coffee bean producing countries in the world, only a few have the proper climate and ground conditions.

A Third of all Coffee Production
Brazil produces almost a third of all coffee, followed by Columbia where roasts are the most well known type of coffee beans. Other well-known countries are Indonesia and Mexico.

Coffee grown in these countries has a very different taste and so, Mexican coffee can also be considered as being among the best, though only because of the different taste those beans provide.

Another factor that governs the quality of coffee is the altitude where they are grown. The best coffee beans are usually produced in high lying areas. In Brazil, the production is ordered, it is a industry which is responsible for the employment of a large labor force.

In Columbia has plenty of coffee growing areas at higher altitudes. They are known to be a country that produces some of best coffee, however, this is sometimes overshadowed because of the countries poor economy.

This makes it harder to get the beans from their growing areas to processing plants.

Another lesser known area for coffee is Hawaii. The quantity grown may be on the small side but weather and soil conditions are excellent. The plants are known to flourish in volcanic ash soil, where a hot sun is combined with frequent showers, creating ideal growing conditions.

Indonesia grows one of best beans due to its humid and balmy climate. The technology used in growing them is advanced, which is why coffee beans grown in places such as Java are being exported to the rest of the world enjoy a very high reputation.

I guess when it comes down to who really does produce the best bean, its really a matter of the enjoyment of the end user. Thank you Starbucks for expanding our world!

Free Coffee Recipes and much more! Check out for everything coffee, including where the Who Provides the Best Coffee Beans came from and much more.

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