Thursday, September 2, 2010

Storing Your Coffee – Should You Freeze Your Coffee?

There are many different suggested ways to store coffee in order to maintain freshness. One of the suggested methods is to put your ground coffee or coffee beans in the freezer. Is storing coffee in the freezer a good way to maintain freshness? Let's look at the pros and cons.

Freezing has been used for centuries as a way to extend the life of many foods. A diverse selection of foods can be frozen. Bread, meat, fruits, vegetables and even butter can be successfully stored in your freezer. Freezing even maintains many of the vitamins and nutritional value of a wide variety of foods. Coffee, however, isn't as likely a candidate for storage in the freezer.

Coffee has four main enemies against freshness: air, heat, light and moisture. At first, freezing doesn't seem to contain many of the offending enemies. However, appearances can be deceiving.
Coffee beans have been roasted in order to enhance flavor. The beans are also porous.

Unfortunately a freezer can contain many other foods which have odors. The porous beans can absorb the flavors of many other frozen foods. Flavored coffees can be pleasant, but no one wants to drink seafood or garlic flavored coffee.

Moisture can also be absorbed by the coffee beans. Moisture can cause deterioration and loss of flavor. The more often you take coffee out of the freezer and put it back in, the more moisture absorption takes place into the bean. If you absolutely need to freeze some coffee because you have a large excess you'd like to keep, only freeze it once. The more you take it in and out of the freezer, the more damage you do.

Freezing also breaks down the oils in the beans. The oils contribute to the flavor of the coffee. Breaking down the oils means taking away flavor, and let's face it, a large part of a good cup of coffee is the flavor.

When it comes down to it, freezing is not the best way to store your coffee. Keep coffee stored in a cool, dry, airtight container away from light. Freezing coffee is possible, and is best if you only freeze it once. The resulting loss of flavor and quality from repetitive freezing makes it a method of storage to stay away from. Your best bet is to purchase only enough beans or ground coffee to supply you for 1-2 weeks. Enjoy the coffee at its freshest!

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Top 5 Best-Selling Coffee Makers

Coffee is the number one breakfast drink the world over. There are very few places that do not serve this staple and that is a very good thing to say the least. So many people depend on this drink for that bit of energy in the morning to get through the day and of course there is some big business when it comes to coffee and the coffee maker. The business that surrounds this part of the world is big and more and more people are trying to get in on it. This means that there is more than enough competition to make the best in coffee maker products that the world has seen. This is an important thing to a good many people as the coffee maker is the number one appliance in their home.

Bunn is the best-selling coffee maker currently on the market. For a good many years the company was not making products for the home, but instead only those for the many businesses that served the drink. This has all changed as the Bunn company has seen the demand for their top quality coffee maker products for the home. This has brought new levels of financial stability to the company and they are enjoying the success overall.

Senso makes a great coffee maker as well and they are second only to Bunn in terms of quality and sales. This is normal when you see the many products that they offer. Some of the finest makers are brought out by this company and there are a good many people who make the best coffee with them. They are a staple in the restaurants across the world as well.

Cuisinart is a big name in the small home appliance world and their coffee makers make that statement as well. While they have not always been in this business, they are making a mark across the world with the new lines. Many people trust this company more than many others because of the attention to detail and quality that they have always had.

Keurig is one of the newer players in the coffee maker game but that does not mean they are anything but great. They have makers that will do just about everything for you and they are of the best construction to boot.

Krups is a fine company that does offer some fine coffee makers. There have been a few problems with the company as they were plagued by some recalls when they tried to out-source some of the products and took a big hit in the process.

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What Happened To Coffee?

As you probably know, coffee is 2nd most important commodity in the United States. Obviously, if you turn on your TV to watch the news you'll know what is first. But the coffee industry is big business, what you get at the fast food restaurant or at the office doesn't even touch on the quality that is out there.

It's funny how anything that doesn't come out of the can is considered gourmet coffee. Gourmet coffee is not something that you can't buy at the grocery store; the most expensive stuff there doesn't even begin to touch on the quality that is available. Coffee roasting has become an art form.

In a day when big companies use computers to do the dirty work, small specialty companies are still doing it the old-fashioned way with their experience and their brains. Roastmasters spend years honing their craft, and their experience is what makes for a great cup of coffee.

These companies rely on freshness and quality to compete with the big boys who stock the grocery store shelves or ship it out to your local drive thru. You won't see any of their commercials on TV, even real late at night when there is the cheapest air-time.

These specialty companies are successful simply based on their reputation. They work to get the highest grade beans from all over the world. They test everything to make sure the quality is as good as it gets. And then they baby it. Gourmet coffee is usually roasted in small batches to guarantee that nothing can go wrong.

The time and temperature is completely under their complete control, and experience tells them when the beans are roasted perfectly. Any imperfections and the beans are tossed out and a new batch begins. They can do anything with coffee. They can create the perfect blends, add the best flavors, and guarantee that you will get the best cup of coffee that you have ever tasted.

They rely on word of mouth, reviews, and tasting competitions to get their name out there. In most situations the only way to place an order with them is through the internet. Gourmet Coffee sites are everywhere on the web, but it is often hard to determine where is the best place to go. If you want a head start jump to and read about some of the best gourmet coffee companies out there.

And believe or not, most of their coffee costs no more that what you pay for a bag of beans at the supermarket that have been sitting around for a couple of months. But best part about it is that you can have all of this in the comfort of your own home. This may give you the little extra that you need to get out of bed in the morning.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Are You One Of Many People Around The World Who Love Drinking Coffee?

Are you one of the many people around Australia that has a passion for drinking coffee? Nowadays coffee is not only regarded as a drink that is used to help wake you up in the morning, or give you a boost of energy during the day when you need it most. Coffee is fast becoming a popular beverage that people go out to drink on a social basis. Many people actually schedule their days around going for a coffee with their friends, or even having one after a meal. The growth of coffee use and production has boomed in Australia.

Today Australian coffee is gaining a name for itself as one of the finest quality coffee in the world. It's unique qualities and taste have people searching for Australian coffee not just in Australia but around the world. Because of Australia's particular micro climatic conditions, the coffee is naturally low in caffeine and is noted for its sweetness, medium body, and chocolate/nutty flavours, this is a major advantage for many people who want to drink the coffee without the effects of what caffeine on your body. Australian coffee is also one of the most naturally produced coffee's around the world because of the low use of pesticides on the crops.

At-home coffee consumption is witnessing a strong demand for high quality roast coffee as consumers are seeking to replicate the quality that they seem to get when visiting a specialised coffee shop. According to a recent survey, retail coffee sales in Australia grossed $752 million and ranked second, only behind Singapore, in per capita coffee consumption amongst the Asian economies.

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Have You Ever Tasted The Great Coffee or Tea in Concord, NC?

If you like coffee or tea, then you would do just fine in Concord, NC. It all starts with Diversity Den, the area's best known hotspot for social gatherings. Along with Diversity Den there are a number of other coffee houses. There are many other coffee shops that also offer a wonderful selection of coffee and pastries.

Just moments away from Diversity Den, is S and D Coffee. A large coffee manufacturing plant, that has the capacity to produce 100 million pounds of coffee. They are the distributor of McDonalds franchise coffee. It has also has recently added a new tea handling facility. This new state of the art facility allows S and D the flexibility to customize tea blends for their customers. They also offer an online store where you can purchase any one of their delicious coffees, but gift baskets as well. Just driving by S and D coffee inspires those who do not drink coffee to give it a try!

Each coffee House offers its own unique style. A place to relax, read the paper, check your email or catch up with an old friend. That is why you know Concord is expanding and growing. People enjoy the atmosphere of this cozy town (recently voted an All-American City), whether you are in town for one of the Nascar events, visiting the outlet mall or you have chosen to settle down here. Diversity Den is located right in the heart of it all. For more information on where to get the best coffee, please visit our website at

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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Truth About My Granddaddy's Coffee

When I was six years old, my granddaddy would take me and my twin brother to work with him. Granddaddy worked at night as a security guard, so it was no trouble at all for him to let us go to work with him. And it was just the three of us, so needless-to-say, my granddaddy let us go nut! And I'm sure we drove him nuts, as well.

We had the best granddaddy in the world, just as long as we didn't tell mom, he would let us swear, we could talk about sex, or anything else that we wanted to talk about, and the one thing that mom would have went crazy if she knew that he let us, DRINK COFFEE!

That started a fire that still burns today. My granddaddy introduced me to the greatest drink ever. And still every time I take a drink of coffee, I think about those special times. But, back then, I drank coffee because grown-ups drank it and mom would not let us drink it because it wasn't good for us. I drink for different reasons, now. It really isn't as bad for you as you think.
I've done a lot of research on coffee, and drinking it is not as bad for you, at all, much to my surprise. what would you say if I told you there was a natural elixir that could lower your risk of diabetes, colon cancer, or Parkinson's disease? you would think I was crazy, right? Its true.
Researchers from Harvard University followed data on more than 126,000 people for 18 years, and what they found would surprise the heck out of you. The research found that drinking one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes by single digits. But, drinking six or more cups of coffee per day slashed men's risks by 54% and more than 30% in women. The more coffee you drink, the better it is for you.

Here's something else that you may not know. In males, drinking sperm stronger. The studies show that coffee consumption makes sperm swim faster and swim a longer distance. Coffee has actually been linked with infertility. This is a misconception.

Here are a few more points that I've found very interesting for you to read. Like both black and green tea, coffee contains antioxidants, which can help the cell mutation which may lead to cancer.

Surprisingly- given that coffee may be a migraine trigger- the caffeine may cure headaches. It is one of the ingredients in some pills because it increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers by as much as 40%.

Coffee consumption is also a brain stimulant. As coffee is a stimulant, it can help in concentration. Last year Dr Chiara Trombetti, of the humanities Gavazzeni institute in Italy, went as far as suggesting that a morning cup of milky coffee can get sleepy school children off to a good start. However, that is unlikely to be echoed by nutritionists here, who recommended sufficient sleep and good diet as better ways to cope with the mental demands of the brain.

Coffee even promotes liver health! Though doctors cannot explain the link, but studies have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop liver disease, including Cirrhosis of the liver.

Coffee consumption even decreases the need for surgery on gallstones. Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. In one study, women who drank four cups of coffee each day were 25% less likely to need surgery for gallstones than women who weren't coffee drinkers.
Coffee consumption may actually be good for the skin. Caffeine appeared to improve micro-circulation when applied to the skin in one study, making cellulite look better.

Now, I'm sure my Granddaddy didn't take all this information into consideration when he chose to be a coffee drinker. In fact I know he didn't, he chose coffee because he liked it, but he's almost 90 years old now, and I would like to think that his excessive coffee consumption had a little to do with him still being around, but in any case, I'm still glad he is.

As always, I hope you found this article both informative and entertaining. Thank you for reading, and may GOD bless you always, and in always.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Art Of Coffee Roasting

Could there be anything better than a hot, fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee, did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts? Did you know that you can roast your own coffee beans at home? If you think that the aroma of your fresh ground coffee beans can't be beat, get a home coffee roaster, you'll be in Java Heaven.

Roasting the coffee beans is what imparts flavor. Similar to the making of a fine wine or a hand rolled cigar, some consider the roasting of coffee beans as an art. Those that describe coffee use some of the same vocabulary they use to describe wine. Depending on the roast level chosen the beans take on different flavor characteristics. The lighter the coffee bean the less flavor it will have, the darker the coffee bean the stronger the flavor it will have.

There are generally four different categories of roast. A light roast (American) , a medium roast (Breakfast), a dark roast (French), and darkest roast (Italian or espresso). Each type of roast imparts a different appearance to the coffee beans.

When a coffee bean is roasted to an American roast the beans will have a very light color to them and they will appear dry. A medium roasted bean, or Breakfast roast will have a rich brown color and will be oily in appearance. A French roasted coffee bean will have a very oily appearance with the beans appearing very dark brown. The darkest roasted beans or Espresso beans will appear black.

Coffee roasting can easily be done in your home. Depending on the roast that you desire you can roast coffee in five to fifteen minutes. Green beans are available online from a number of sellers, as are coffee roasters. Choose different types of green coffees to sample. Drum roasters are very popular for use in the home. It's best to consider purchasing a roaster as it will give you the most consistent finish to your beans. Some try to roast beans in frying pans, some use hot air popcorn poppers. While each of these techniques will work, as mentioned above they don't give a consistent finish to all the beans and you will most likely be disappointed in the result.

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Palatable Hawaii Kona Coffee – A Quick Review

The coveted Kona coffee is also one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Cultivated on the rich fertile soils of the Kona district of Hawaii, the coffee brings with it the unique flavour and aroma that tells the romantic and mystical story of its provenance. The favourable weather of the region is the main reason behind the magical flavour of the Hawaii Kona coffee. The mornings are bright and sunny in Kona and the afternoons are cloudy or rainy often, while the nights are mild and little breezy. Moreover, the soil is mineral rich and porous. All these create favourable conditions for cultivating this rich coffee.

Now you can bring the same magical flavour of the palatable Hawaii Kona coffee right at your coffee table that too without having to really work hard for the same. With the various online exotic coffee merchants offering an assortment of rare and exotic coffees, you can now order your favourite coffee with just a few mouse clicks. These exotic coffee merchants in Knightsbridge, London have their own website where you can find the different varieties of coffees available with them. The varieties you can choose from include the Royal Tonga coffee, Maui Island Estate coffee, Organic Kaffa Forest, Ethiopia, Greenwell Farms Hawaii kona coffee , Sea Island Espresso Blend, Geisha, Costa Rica, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee and many more exotic and rare varieties of delectable coffee.

These online exotic coffee merchants offer free delivery within UK and for Europe and rest of the world there are minimal delivery charges that are applicable. Furthermore, these merchants offer gourmet coffee for the restaurants, hotels, and yachts. For retailers, there are various whole sale options as well. Besides this, the online merchants offer corporate gifts for client giveaways and special occasions.

You can order your favourite Kona coffee through the websites of these coffee merchants. All you have to do is choose your favourite coffee, specify the quantity and place the order. While ordering, you can further choose from the whole roast beans, ground for cafeteria, ground for filter and ground for espresso depending upon your requirement.

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Coffee Pods For Dolce Gusto

Did you know that using coffee beans went out of style 5 years ago? Well if you are still stuck in the dark ages you may not have heard about coffee pods. If this is the case please let me explain what they are to you so you can keep up with the rest of us.

Coffee pods are the new and much simpler way of getting great tasting coffee each and every day. You no longer need to buy big bags of coffee beans or you no longer need to buy that cheap tasting out of a jar coffee; instead you simply need to add a coffee pod to your machine to do all of the hard work for you.

Coffee pods are changing the way people drink and make coffee. Using a coffee pod will save you so much time while giving you the best tasting coffee that you have ever had. If this sounds good to you then keep on reading, I will tell you how to use one.

Remember tipping coffee into your machine only to realise that you have tipped most of it over the work surface or over the floor? How much coffee did you waste? Well that was the past you can't do anything about that but you can change the future. Forget making a mess, with a coffee pod you simply insert it into your machine, you then press which coffee you would like to have and then it pours.

You have no mess to clean and you can simply relax drinking your favourite coffee. The best coffee pods on the market have to have come from Nescafe and Krups. They have joined together to make the Dolce gusto coffee machine, the machine uses the dolce gusto coffee pods which are widely available at all major food stores and supermarkets.

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Gourmet Coffee And Free Coffee Advice

If you are a gourmet coffee lover you will know that there are many related products and items that are connected with it, the thing is there are many people just like you who are also bewitched by gourmet coffee and these people can be found talking about the subject on many forums and news groups around the internet. Finding these fellow enthusiasts is pretty easy but you need to know the facts.

For a small minority items you might even wonder why such a message board might exist but let me tell you now there are news groups all over the web on the most unusual and weirdest of subjects, coffee makers and those closely linked to the industry will themselves join and take part in news groups targeted at food and drink and the general sphere of coffee products and connected accessories, it is in such places that a person will be given the insider secrets on such areas and also get an idea of the latest coffee merchandise to get released.

Whilst searching for coffee details on a message board you can normally guarantee that the tips you will gain will be a hundred percent honest and very reliable indeed, somebody may have ordered a Green Coffee product or a Kona Coffee Beans product however not have been happy with their purchase, by carefully checking some message board posts on the chosen coffee product before they purchased they could very well have obtained some vital advice aimed at their coffee related purchase.

Furthermore newsgroups can give you some real positive guidance on coffee products and accessories, It only takes a couple of minutes of your time to divide the best goods from the bad.

Pretend for a minute you have read numerous forum posts talking about a wood coffee table, if this food and drink merchandise was included on your shopping list then this may be one coffee product that you can happily buy and know that you are getting a wonderful deal for your cash.

The selection of individuals that appear in the gourmet coffee forums is also amazing, there are people who work in the industry, people who are retired from it, the coffee advice that these kind of folk can provide is simply priceless. It is in these forums or even blogs that you will learn the insider coffee secrets, where to get the real wholesale prices, where not to buy from, all kinds of wonderful facts and data. Best of all these folk are not charging for what must be considered the best information there is on coffee, it is just like sticking your head into a classroom on a subject you are totally interested in, experts on blends, specialists on rare coffee beans, all providing their knowledge for free.

Pretend for a minute you are searching for a vintage coffee table, why this item? well it just so happens a colleague of yours bought one, you too are wishing to buy the same merchandise however check a coffee forum first, there you find out the item is not as wonderful as you thought and end up ordering an alternative product. This can be applicable to any region of coffee products, office coffee grinders, insulated coffee pourers it doesn't matter what the merchandise is, select coffee or food and drink news groups are of great value for any possible buyer of these kind of products.

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Is The Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine Any Good?

As a long time coffee fan I was excited when I first laid my eyes on the Nescafe Dolce Gusto machine. The machine looked so sleek and futuristic looking that I knew I had to get my hands on one. With that in mind I set out and bought one. I have had many coffee makers in the past, so it was interesting to see how this one measured up. Keep on reading to find out.

Straight out of the box you could tell that the Dolce Gusto Pod was meant for a new modern home. The build quality and actual design looked very futuristic indeed and would look right at home in the latest science fiction movies.

Looking good so far, however a coffee machine that looks good and tastes terrible is useless.
Thankfully in this case the Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Pod made excellent coffee. Not too smooth and not too gritty. The coffee machine makes 4 delicious types of coffee, so if you are a coffee lover then there is something for everyone here with this machine.

The machine is not the quietest of machines, however it certainly is not the loudest either. I would put up with any amount of noise just to keep this coffee machine in my kitchen for the rest of my life.

For the price I paid for this coffee machine I am well impressed, it was very affordable and offers excellent value compare to other coffee makers in the current market. If you are looking for a consumer grade coffee machine that can rival the professional machines of your local coffee store then I would recommend the Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee maker.

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Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Capsules – Where To Get Them

If you're a coffee lover like me then you will more than likely have heard of the amazing coffee machine called the Nescafe dolce gusto. If you have heard of this machine then you have more than likely been interested in purchasing it to use every day to make your coffee perfect every time.

If you have tasted the coffee from these awesome machines I will know that you will have one sitting in your own home. The machine is excellent, it is quick, clean and very affordable, and however there is one problem.

Most people, who use this machine struggle to find the Nescafe dolce gusto capsules that are used to fill the machines, however do not worry because here with this article I am going to show you where you can get these coffee capsules and where you can get the best deals for your money.

Most supermarkets sell these coffee capsules and chances are there are a few in your area that do sell them near you, however as you would expect supermarkets are pretty expensive. If you are interested in getting replacement capsules for your dolce gusto machine then I would recommend checking online.

If you use the internet you are going to save money, the internet is far more competitive than the real world so there for if businesses want to survive they must beat their competitors. If you want the best deals on your dolce gusto coffee pods then you must check online, if you do I promise you will save money.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finding Shopping Deals For A Great Coffee Maker

Finding a coffee machine on sale doesn't have to be difficult if you try the internet for your search. Smart shoppers find it to be a easy way to get the maximum value for the money.
You can easily uncover coffee machine deals that are often times much better than the prices available at popular retail boutiques & major department stores.

I strongly suggest that you take a look on the net and check out what is being offered before you make a final purchasing decision.

Price Comparison
There is no method more efficient than surfing the web if you have a desire to have a look at deals that are being offered from several different shops.
Once you realize just how easy it is, you will quickly find out that the web is your partner when it comes to comparison shopping & locating the best possible bargain for your money.
Everyone knows that the true enjoyment of shopping is having the chance to save as much money as we can for the products that we want to get.

Get More Facts
Consumer feedback & updated product reviews are valuable tools you can use when making a decision on what coffee machine or coffee filter dispenser to purchase. Top tier net shops are known for making these services available to their shoppers.

Instead of having to chat with a sales clerk at a normal retail shop, you can find much more useful and unbiased information about the product by taking advantage of these great features.

Shop The Easy Way
It doesn't matter what time you want to shop, internet shops are always in business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve you. This is a great advantage over typical retail shops with set hours of operation.

Shopping becomes very easy since you can research & select goods when it is the best time for you. Having to worry about time or your schedule is no longer a problem.

Discovering Bargains
Having the chance to find coffee machines that are rare or not available in your town are a few of the good points of utilizing the net to make purchases online.

If you browse through the listings carefully, there are deals available that provide free shipping and handling for many items.

Safe Shopping
Your credit card information will be secure when you use their webpage for shopping. Because they are professionals in web transactions, there is no need to worry as they are dedicated to making your shopping experience enjoyable.

Overall Value
If you want to purchase a machine at your local specialty shop or department store, you should expect to pay between $45 & $375 or more, depending upon the particular item.
Expect to save around 45% off of the normal retail price when shopping for deals on the net.

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